Musings on 1s and 0s

Hello, World!

Welcome to my blog that will mostly be focused on code.

About me

I am a simple guy with a strong passion for technology. I’ve always been driven by a desire to discover how things work, and that inquisitive nature will probably never be fully satisfied. It took me some time to find my niche among the various fields and career paths that piqued my interest, and although I started as a mechanical engineering major, I didn’t find true academic passion until I switched to computer science. While I still admire all kinds of engineering, I’m now convinced that I was meant to create software.

Despite the many frustrations and long nights, my enthusiasm for code remains as strong as when I ran my first “Hello, World!” program. Finding my calling has been invigorating, and I realize that I have the potential to significantly impact how people live, right at my fingertips. Given this, I am proud to be a techie who aims to make the world a better place, cliché as it may sound.

About the site

⬅️ You can find all of my contact information on the left or by pressing the Follow button up top to open a menu of it on mobile.

There are two main sections of content:

  • Blog exploring thoughts on technology and coding
  • Portfolio showcasing my favorite non-proprietary projects

The site logo is a 3D graphic of my initials (TL) and is heavily based on the logo of the San Jose Tech Museum, a place I have very fond memories of visiting in my childhood, thanks to my parents.

3D graphic of initials TL

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